A deadly Secret Weapon of Sea - Militrayfacts.com
A deadly Secret Weapon of Sea - BY Militrayfacts.com

A deadly Secret Weapon of Sea? My dear Friends and viewers in today's article, we will talk about A deadly Secret Weapon of Sea? in which you people will be aware of the amazing informative story about that “A deadly Secret Weapon of Sea?”. If you have any problem after reading this material you can mail us for discussion about it.

A deadly secret weapon of Sea Detail Story:

The USSR's Ekranoplan or better known as the Caspian Sea Monster was a giant ground effect aircraft that could hover above the sea. It was big used frightening new physics seemingly beyond then-current technology and terrified the West. But the United States in a cold war fury didn't want to be left behind and they came up with their version of the Ukrano plane. It was called the Par-Wig, seating up to 20 crew members and had a range of over 2000 nautical miles. But its secret was that it wouldn't fire anti-ship rockets like the USSR version. But rather Nuclear Trident missiles as part of a strategic deterrent. This stuff is about the story of the American-made Ecrano Plane.

A quick little lesson in aerodynamics 101. An aircraft needs three things to fly safely Lift, propulsion and control. The higher above an aircraft is the better. It can attain all three factors that's why flying consistently at extremely low altitudes is extremely difficult, little wonder then that an aircraft able to fly for extended periods at extremely low altitudes known as a ground effect aircraft is one of the holy grails of aircraft design and engineering and by extremely low altitude, we mean by literally a few feet or meters.

So how does this work? most aircraft need high forward velocity that allows the aircraft to lift off at a low speed, an aircraft with what is called a wing in the ground or WIG? It can achieve its ground effect concept by enabling the thrust downwards under the leading edge of the wings instead of having to rely purely on forwarding air velocity.

This creates a high-pressure cushion under the wing which gives the craft its needed lift which also explains, why wig designs have their engines in front of their wings? Lift is further improved by adding downward tilted wingtip plates that trap the high-pressure air and prevent said air from being squeezed out and escaping wingspans are kept as short as possible to maximize this downward thrust. The wings need a large radius leading edge and a thick shape, this means that air passing over the upper surface of the wing travels significantly further and hence faster compared to the air that travels over the wing of a conventional shape and thickness typical of most aircraft also known as ground effect vehicles. One can imagine that these crafts are riding on a dynamic air cushion similar to that of an inflated skirt around the hull of a hovercraft.

A deadly Secret Weapon of Sea aircraft capitalizes on significantly less resistance when flying just above the water by getting the aerodynamic lift needed for that aircraft to fly. If it flies too high it loses that lift and will become subsequently unstable. This craft is intended to cruise just above the wave crests in open water with only very occasionally and slightest contact with the water during the flight.

Another name for WIG aircraft is wing ship which is why these are sometimes referred to as flying boats. However, often mistaken for an airplane seaplane hovercraft are recognized as a distinct technology.

This technology was so unique at the time that if an ekrano-plane could be given a surprise Omaze would have done it. Omaze gives away one-of-a-kind prizes and experiences while donating money to chosen charities. This sustainable approach allows charities to spend time doing what they do best rather than fundraising and boy do. I have to tell you about the prize today, if you donate 10$ you are entered for a chance to win a fully kitted out tesla model S. plaid. It has a 400-mile range a 1020 horsepower engine and can go zero to 60 in two seconds that's faster than a concord.

Tesla model S. plaid | Image Source Omaze - Edit by Militrayfacts.com
Tesla model S. plaid | Image Source Omaze - By Militrayfacts.com

This is all to support a fantastic charity called REVERB. They partner with musician’s festivals and venues to green their concerts while encouraging fans to take environmental and social action so far, they have eliminated three million single-use plastic bottles supported 2000 family farmers, and raised attention to over 4000 local non-profits pretty. Cool stuff to potentially win the tesla model-S played to support reverb go to http://www.omaze.com/fae.

Now talk about the ekranoplans, there are even disputes between the UK on one side and the United States and European Union on the other as to whether or not WIG should be classified as boats or aircraft. It's the British who classify a wig as an aircraft whilst the Americans and Europeans think it's a boat. We'll go with the British on this one and call Wigs aircraft today.

There are also upsides to aircraft including that they can fly at extremely low altitudes and with the huge range being able to cruise at such a low altitude means that they are below the range of most radars their unique lift means that WIG aircraft can also carry much heavier cargo than conventional aircraft of the same size whilst being up to five times more fuel-efficient than conventional aircraft the flying without the benefit of ground effect.

Unfortunately, there are many traditional downsides to weak aircraft as well such as being an aircraft that can only fly at very low altitudes and quite low speeds, they are also incredibly difficult to turn at higher speeds a WIG cannot bank into a turn because it's so close to the surface of the water. This also makes them very difficult or even impossible to maneuvers in tight spaces such as small harbors ports rivers and canals.

Furthermore, a WIG is a notoriously difficult aircraft to dock. Now a lot of you might be hearing me saying the word WIG over and over again and imagining that I am talking about something that you put on your head but I want to say that this is just my interpretation.  

The huge downside is that the tip of the wing catching the water at too high an angle can have disastrous effects plus, we cannot ignore the fact that a WIG aircraft with a high structural load can be seriously compromised in its handling and maneuverability. This increases the risk of the plane pitching into the water and capsizing, but that did not stop the Soviet Union from jumping headfirst straight into this idea, neither the Soviets nor the Americans were the first to develop a Whig aircraft that honor went to Finland’sToyo Cario when he painted in his design in 1935.

But as with many aviation feats during the cold war, it was the Soviet Union that mastered WIG aircraft design. The chrono-plane KM which was also dubbed the Cas-pen Sea monster was developed by the Soviets in the 1960s primarily for military cargo transport and missile delivery applications. The KM stood for prototype ship in Russian. There is a reason why this project has been dubbed the Soviet super plane program that rattled area 51.

The CIA was so freaked out by the original soviet Ekrano-plane project that it developed an unmanned drone named Aqualine (Aquiline) in the 1960s in order to spy on the Soviet plane as alleged in the book “Area 51” uncensored history of America's top-secret military base. The original ekranoplan KM's ground effect was attained with its use of extended wings with negative dihedral winglets. The nifty touch was the winglets meant the wings could touch water if the KM was unintentionally flown too low. Although it did substantially increase the plane's drag, this meant the structural weight of the wing had to be increased to account for water loads making it one heavy aircraft.

The Soviets pioneered the power augmented ram wing and the ground effect is known as power week with better engine placement and air recursion was created during the entire flight of the aircraft resulting in the greater lift, a power wick aircraft could better negotiate relatively rough sea conditions with relatively low thrust, unfortunately, the engines mounted near the nose of the aircraft meant that they were very vulnerable to the intake of salt spray and marine debris. Both of which could cause damage to the engines. However, unlike other weak aircraft, the chrono-plane and other par weak planes have one distinct and hugely important feature for any military. They can be phenomenally fast, the man behind this ingenious feat of engineering was Rusty's slap Evgeny which Alexeev who was a revered figure in Soviet aerodynamics every cranial planet and per week plane ever planned since then has been based on Alexeev’s design methodology. The KM was the largest aircraft on earth when it finally took to the waters of the Caspian Sea in 1966.

It was 295 feet long could detain flight with a total weight of 600 tons and operate at a cruising speed of 310 miles per hour. However, the game never went beyond the prototype and it crashed and sank an accident in 1980 supposedly due to pilot error, the smaller less heavy, and improved lunar chrono-plant was built and deployed by the Soviets in 1987. Even though smaller than the original km behemoth the lunar chrono-plane still weighed in at 380 tons had a 148-foot wingspan and most warning of all four analysts at the pentagon could launch six anti-ship missiles from the flight. We are talking six supersonic P-270 Moskit anti-ship missiles that could reach max 3 which is more than triple the speed of the subsonic Harpoon missile that remains as standard in the US navy. Luckily for the pentagon, the loon was eventually mothballed by the Russian military in the 1990s. But that would not stop the U.S from coming up with their version of the ukranoplan.

The United States never willingly lagged behind the USSR with any technology. Wig aircraft was no different. The DavidW Taylor naval ship research and development center in Bethesda, Maryland produced as Par-Wig prototype design in 1977. The aircraft was designed for sea control missions as well as potentially trans-oceanic passenger and cargo transport the ultimate goal of the American Par Wig Plane. However, was it a strategic deterrent? Since it was designed to carry four GM-96a trident C launched ballistic missiles as its payload.

Importantly, these missiles would have been fired while the aircraft was resting on the ocean surface not while still in flight like the Boeing-747 nuclear carrier. The American power wing design included a chubby and stubby reversed clipped delta main wing with flexible downward end-plates. These were designed to trap a steady constant air cushion for the aircraft. The engine had thrust diverters for take off which would direct jet exhaust towards the underside of the wing leading edge. This would help build up the air cushion under the wings needed for lift off.

Four of the aircraft's engines would shut down during cruise flying leaving just two engines to drive all four fans for maximum fuel economy. The upside of the American Par-Wig was that it could fly out 2000 nautical miles and settle anywhere on the sea with intermittent sorties out to sea before returning to base.

In theory, the Par Wig could be too fast to be stalked by ships or submarines and too far out of the sea to be attacked by conventional military aircraft fitting right in that gap of military powers of America's enemies.

Design Structure of A deadly Secret Weapon of Sea:

Furthermore, it was thought that the aircraft could be fitted with a high number of smaller and nimble cruise missiles, although obviously, this would mean that the craft would have to get a lot closer to enemy territory so its potential as a cruise missile carrier was quickly scrapped, here are some interesting statistics regarding the US Par-Wig plane. It would have 20 crew and a span of approximately 146 feet or 44.5 meters and a total area on board of 10 225 square feet or 3000 meters. It would come in with a weight of 2 million pounds or nearly a million kilograms and when it did not have any nukes on board, it would float at around 627000 pounds or 284000 kilograms. It would have a general cruise speed of 180 to 330 knots with a maximum of up to 400 knots where the weather and water surface permitted and I can't believe you're going to ask me to say this but it would have a cruise altitude of 12 feet or 3.65 meters which is a little bit funny considering.  

A deadly Secret Weapon of Sea? -  Militrayfacts.com
A deadly Secret Weapon of Sea? -  By Militrayfacts.com

The aircraft could go easily up to 120 000 feet. Finally, the American Par-Wig 10 days loiter out at sea. So why was it never built? Honestly, it's because the United States had no need for one, these kinds of large wing and ground effect aircraft while impressive serve no military purpose and provide no major military advantage for U.S armed forces to possess, aside from the internal great lakes. There are no major bodies of water within the United States of America where such a craft could be readily employed and no need to position strategic or tactical assets.

There both the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans were covered with the U.S navy in the form of carrier battle groups and submarine fleets which provide portable power projection for undersea surface and air operations virtually anywhere else in the globe. So, in summary large wing and ground effect aircraft do not provide a significant increase in America's power projection, when compared to existing options. In the early 1980s, there was a U.S navy plane to conduct flight tests using the Hughes-Hercules aircraft to study ground effects. It wasn't expressly designed as an Ecrano-plane, but its enormous wings benefited from ground effects. You might recall that the only flight that it ever did never escape its ground effect, sadly that plan never came to be and we missed the opportunity to see the giant back in the air.

A deadly Secret Weapon of Sea? – Militrayfacts.com
A deadly Secret Weapon of Sea? – By Militrayfacts.com

In the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian government believed that the Akranna-plane had a bright future as a commercial plane with an updated model. Its direct translation was called the little eagle and it measured 190 feet or 58 meters in length and had a maximum take off weight of 275000 pounds or 125 tons. It was similar in size to a medium-sized wide-body airliner such as the Boeing-767. The Russians dreamed of these planes crisscrossing the globe carrying everything from passengers and cargo.

However, tragedy struck when the aircraft ditched during a flight before a public exhibition aimed at foreign investors in 1992, one crew member was killed in the remaining nine all badly injured. The crash did much to crush the potential of ground effect aircraft for civilian transportation. Even so, the aviation world remains abuzz with talk of civilian Ecrano-planes being developed and even painted by Russian designers, Secrecy shrouds these alleged projects although Russian insiders have commented that any contemporary versions of civilian Ecrano-planes would be different in one regard to one distinct and important factor comfort. There was a somewhat sad even pitiful end for the sole remaining Lun ekrano-plane that was mothballed by the Russians in the 1990s.

The plane had been docked slowly decaying on the Casper Sea in the city of Kaspersky in the Russian-controlled republic of Dagestan. Its fortunes were set to change when it was to be converted into a museum, however, popular mechanics reported in august of 2020, how the towing of the large aircraft to its new location had gone? The Lunekrana-plane now sits adrift in shallow water on a beach in the Caspian Sea. It seems a pathetic end to what remains one of the most brilliant feats of specialized aviation engineering.

According to H.L Sutton of Forbes writes, it will be a tragedy for military history if this unique craft is broken into pieces by the powers of nature. It would indeed be a tragedy. The child of the original Caspian Sea monster surely deserves a better end than that.


Large low-flying aircraft means American Par-WIG do not provide significant increases in American power estimates compared to that. We hope you people would like and enjoy this amazing information about the “A deadly Secret Weapon of Sea?” If you people have any problem with this written material then you people must tell in the comment box or can also contact me on my email id that is militrayfactsofficial@gmail.com

Thanks for reading!


A special thanks to found and explain, omazewikipedia and Google which helped me in collecting the relevant data.